No More Fear

Fear is an enemy that stops us from experiencing all that GOD has for us. The enemy uses fear to may us think that what GOD has promised us will never come to pass. He roars, he speaks through people, through media. But when you realize that the enemy has no power and that the power of the almighty GOD that loves you is so much greater, then you begin to see him for what he really is which is a liar. For years I have had to deal with so much pain and anxiety and all led to different kinds of fears.

But then my Abba father began to lead me out of it. He began to lovingly show me how much he cares and that perfect love casteth out all fears: John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love”.

The enemy has an agenda and that is to steal, kill and destroy: John 10:10 “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly”. CHRIST JESUS came to give us life and life more abundantly. And as I began to work deeper with the LORD, I began to see the tactics of the enemy. I began to see how conniving he is and that he will try his best to stop me from getting to my destiny. You see the thing about this is that fear in some cases was still there but the minute I started focusing my eyes on JESUS I found out that I started ignoring the fear. Yes, it was still there but I chose to trust the LORD no matter what. Even in some instances where the LORD will ask me to do something, it usually is something that is way beyond me. But I have seen that if I obey GOD despite the fact that I am fearful he always comes through lovingly because that is who he is. Friends, I do not know what type of fear is gripping you presently. Is it fear of tomorrow, fear of not having enough, fear of starting a new relationship or friendship due to past hurts? Whatever kind of fear you are facing today, I want to encourage you that GOD loves you and that he sees your heart and knows what you are going through. He is reaching out his hands out to you to fall into his arms and to trust him and to know that all power belongs to him and him alone. Will you let GOD take it from here? He is right here waiting with his loving arms. The same GOD that has delivered me will do the same for you. GOD loves you so much.

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